Hansel and Gretel CHILDREN’S Book

Book Illustration Process, 2020

 Go through my process of creating my own version of this classic tale.

Started with some basic sketches

From the beginning, I knew I wanted my version of Hansel and Gretel to be set in a cold, spa-like environment. I also knew I wanted the with to have some birdlike, features, and she would fly over the water. Taking inspiration from images I found of fishing villages across the world, as well as some inspiration from apparel worn by Mongolian people in the cold winter, and the Native tribes of Alaska, I did some simple sketches to get my idea out.

Experimented with my characters

Next, I took time to flush out my characters, doing a ton of quick versions of the witch, Hansel, and Gretel to see what worked the best. I specifically experimented with their shapes and clothing the most.

Worked on movement and expression

Once I chose the final versions of my characters, I practiced their movement and expressions. I also experimented with their color profiles and continued to develop the characters.

Page Layout sketches

Once I was done with my character designs, I sketched out some page layouts, considering the flow of the story.

Final Page Layout Illustrations

Finally, I illustrated the final page layouts. each illustration is meant to spread across two pages.


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